
Public displays of affection
Public displays of affection

public displays of affection

Although there was a shade of awkwardness, an unintended pause in the conversation never really disappeared after that. Once they separated, things sort of went back on the original track. I am glad none of us called out and said the usual, “Guys, get a room.” But yeah, things did get a little weird. It was as if time had come to a standstill. The conversation soon turned from semi-loud to awkward to mumbling and finally, dead silence. When things seemed to stretch into infinity, there was nothing to do except look away. For the first few moments, all of us at the party exchanged looks, quietly smiling and nodding our heads to each other, showing that we understood, that we were ‘cool’ with whatever was happening. There was quite a bit of ‘action’, so to say. I don’t want to spend words and sentences recreating the scene but that’s the first time I saw someone making out in public like that. I turned and expected said couple to be maybe in the middle of some harmless necking. While we were all talking to each other and being typically boisterous, someone nudged me. Everyone was at the stage of a ‘happy high’. Once the clock struck midnight, the cake was cut and people cheered, and a nice mood set in. As someone who had recently landed in a metropolitan city, I was awestruck by how people were always holding hands or kissing in public. Call it my ‘small-town upbringing’ or ‘middle-class values’, it did attract my attention tremendously. There was a point in time when watching people getting intimate in a public place made me feel uncomfortable. I Was Very Uncomfortable With People Kissing In Public To understand better how these public shows of affection can grow to become annoying for some people, read this true account below. In an increasingly globalized world where a confluence of cultures is not unheard of, it can be tricky to determine how far is too far when it comes to being affectionate toward a significant other in a public setting. Then there are cultures where these thoughtful expressions of love and affection are considered absolutely normal. In certain conservative cultures, an exchange of gestures like holding hands, kissing or hugging is considered taboo and frowned upon to the extent that such acts are considered forbidden.

Public displays of affection