
First amendment
First amendment

Quigley visited Anshe Emet Synagogue in Chicago as part of his Unity in Diversity Faith Tour.

First amendment free#

Quigley spoke on the House Floor defending free press on World Press Freedom Day. We must ensure that the public has the resources and opportunities needed to understand governmental action and respond accordingly by voting, assembling, protesting, and sharing ideas with others. In order to support an open and transparent government that works on behalf of the American people, we must continue to protect the First Amendment from efforts to restrict or suppress information.

first amendment

It violates the rights of the hearer as well as those of the speaker." During a time when the media is under attack from the Administration, simply for doing its job and holding those in government accountable for their actions, it is important to acknowledge what an important role free press and speech play in our democracy each and every day. In 1860, Frederick Douglass said, “to suppress free speech is a double wrong. Unfortunately, despite all of the progress we’ve made, it is clear that more work remains to ensure all Americans feel safe to worship how they so choose. Hate-filled speech or actions that pit people of various faiths against one another is not only unacceptable, it is inconsistent with our founding ideals. Our nation is strongest when we come together to understand, support, and celebrate one another’s differences – this includes differences of religion.

first amendment first amendment

Our unwavering commitment to these principles has withstood tough battles throughout our history and has remained a cornerstone of our democracy. The First Amendment to our Constitution protects five fundamental values of our society – religion, speech, press, and the right to petition and assemble.

First amendment